Walking down the street,
Treading a path well
Throngs of people
walking past me,
And yet all I feel is
It is all dark and gloomy. I do not feel sleep in my
eyes and yet all I sense is darkness and haze. Vivid noises make their way to
my ears and I instantly put my hands to my ears to stop them.I feel the
presence of other beings around me and I
know I am not alone where I am but I do not know where I am .I am caught .I am
stuck. I am alone. I am Lost.
It is a
feeling of the subconscious mind. You can be there with a thousand people and
still not listen to one. You can listen to a hundred voices and still not recognize
one. You can be talking to people around you and still not be a part of the
conversation. You can be taught multiple times and still not understand
concepts. You can be having fun with friends and still be sad in the heart. You
can smile and be happy and still feel guilty of that smile.
It feels like I am all alone in a crowd. I am
here, I exist here but I am unaware of
my existence. I want to run away from where I am and I do not know my
destination. There is no connection, not only with other people but also with
myself. I do not understand the reason for my actions and when I ponder over it
I do not remember the circumstances the action was executed. People say I am
not me but I have forgotten who was me or how was me. I am striving to catch up
with life and failing constantly. The time is running by and I am still stuck
up in a time which is long gone by. Life is mocking at me and I am watching helplessly
with tears in my eyes. I am struggling to find my way but I am lost on a path already
travelled .
I wish
I could come out of this. I wish I could point a finger at life and say ,“Dude
you can’t confuse me.” I wish I could get a hold on myself. I wish I could come
back to light. I wish I was missing instead of being lost. Because missing is
when people cannot find you but being lost is when you cannot find yourself.
And I am Lost.